what’s this life for?

{August 29, 2007}   still swimming

My house hasn’t progessed much… my life is, well, still  seemingly in upheaval… every day is a challange.  Work is completely crazy right now, wish I could spread the insaneness throughout the year, but it seems to peak around now… die down, then peak again.  Makes the days go fast, but I go home with a headache that doesn’t quit, so the next day it just builds.  It is hard to get out of bed.  Doesn’t help my alarm clock is possessed. 

Hopefully, word from my contractor, is the city will approve my plans this week.  I have insurance in place, but am totally petrified that my funds won’t cover the re-build.  So a loan-ing I must go… Joy.  or a-borrowing, more aptly.  One of my credit cards is tempting me with 1.99%… for the life.. up to $10,000… so that might be where I go.  Found out today that I SHOULD have informed my lender, even tho my insurance guy said not to… great… hope they don’t fold on me… just another rock on the pile.  Makes me weary. 

Going to go put a towel over my face and try to get rid of this headache… wish me luck.


nidheeuday says:

All the best.

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